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Become a Knockdown Shooter
Pillars of Form
Pillar #1: Wrist (0:51)
Pillar #2: Finger Pads (0:57)
Pillar #3: Index & Middle Finger Split (1:42)
Pillar #4: 90 degrees (0:55)
Pillar #5: Elbow In (0:55)
Form Shooting Tips (0:51)
Non-Shooting Hand: Minimal Interference-Thumb (1:06)
Non-Shooting Hand: Grip Positioning (1:39)
Non-Shooting Hand: Grip Tension/Strength (0:43)
Non-Shooting Hand: 4 fingers to Sky-thumb behind you (0:37)
Form Drills
One Hand Form Shots (1:51)
One Hand, Off-Hand 1 inch away (1:36)
Two Hand Form Shot (0:34)
Coin Drill (1:17)
Ten Swishes in a row (1:27)
Side of Backboard Drill (1:43)
Off the Glass Bank Swishes (2:10)
Two-to-One Hand Form Shot Ladder (1:42)
Underhand Touch Shots (1:26)
Shoulder Width Apart (1:30)
Butt Down, Chest Up (1:12)
Pillars of Balance
Body Weight Evenly Distributed (0:55)
Don't Lean Forward or Back (1:04)
Landing in the Same Starting Point (1:57)
Hold Landing to Self-Correct (3:35)
Not Twisting in the Air on Shot (2:14)
Balance Drills
Forward-Back Two Feet Jumps
Back-Forward Two Feet Jumps
Side to Side Two Feet Jumps (1:17)
180 Two Feet Jumps (1:05)
360 Two Feet Jumps (0:57)
Forward-Back One Foot Jumps (1:42)
Back-Forward One Foot Jumps (1:23)
Side to Side One Foot Jumps (1:17)
180 One Foot Jumps (1:02)
360 One Foot Jumps (0:31)
One-Leg RDL into Shot (1:37)
Lunge Thrust 1-2 (1:52)
Lunge Thrust Hop (1:43)
Ball-to-Floor Touches (1:53)
Off The Dribble
Between The Legs Pickups (1:23)
Behind The Back Pickups (0:59)
Two In & Out Pick Ups (1:29)
Between The Legs Retreat Dribbles (1:52)
Between Behind Pickups (0:45)
Pullback Retreat Dribbles (0:46)
Combination Retreat Dribbles (0:32)
1 Hand Catch Pick- Ups (1:55)
1 Pound Form Pick-ups (1:11)
Windshield Shots (0:44)
Windshield Hang Outs (0:53)
Behind the Back Shots (0:37)
Freestyle Pickups (0:49)
1-3 Moves Shot (0:47)
Crossover into space (1:56)
Behind into space (1:07)
Lateral Behinds (0:41)
Lateral Between (0:49)
Toss Double Between (0:49)
Toss Double Cross (0:39)
Toss Double Behind (0:54)
Toss Between Cross (0:57)
Toss Cross Between Behind (0:37)
Hesitation Progressions (1:52)
Hang Progressions (1:03)
Hang Behind Progressions (0:55)
Walk Down J's (0:47)
Routine Builders
10 swishes in a row (0:45)
Quick Feet Pull-ups (1:11)
Quick Feet Hops (1:03)
Increasing Range
No Jump Jumpers (1:40)
Correctional Exercises / Concepts
Range (2:20)
Misconception of Jumping High on Shot (1:20)
Arc (0:50)
Dipping on Shot (1:04)
Catching the Basketball (1:10)
Twisting Corrections (1:30)
3 Jumps (Release timing) (0:56)
Timing of the Release Corrections (0:45)
Seated Form Shots (0:50)
Quarantined Form Shots (1:04)
2 Hand Pick ups (2:41)
Chair Pick-ups (1:19)
New Lecture
Catch & Shoot
Lee Shooting (1:56)
Continuous Curls (1:05)
Ray Allen Backpedal Drill (0:42)
Around the cone Quick Feet (1:09)
Pyramid Shooting (10-8-6-4-2) (1:28)
1 Minute Curls (1:19)
1 Minute Wide Pindown (1:00)
7 Shooting (1:19)
Off The Dribble Concepts
Off The Dribble Pickups (1:09)
2 Hand Pick ups (2:41)
Timing of Pickups (0:38)
Dropped Hips/Shoulders (0:47)
Catch n Shoot Footwork & Concepts
1-2 Footwork (2:02)
1-2 Footwork Order (0:30)
Foot Planted Steps (1:00)
Hop Footwork (0:49)
Straight / Flare to Corner (1:44)
Drifts (0:56)
Lift/Shake (0:49)
Pullback Retreat Dribbles
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