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Position-less Player Curriculum
Self Toss Quick Dribble
Self toss quick Between (0:43)
Self Toss Behind (0:29)
Self Toss Throwout (1:03)
Mulit - Purpose Drills
On The Hop Shotfakes (1:51)
Shot Fake Step Through- Guards (0:35)
Hanging Ball Outside of Hips on Shots
Off The Dribble (Pick-ups) (1:09)
Misconceptions of jumping high on Shot (1:20)
Dipping on your shot (1:04)
Catching the Basketball (1:10)
Not Twisting (1:30)
Hang Jumper Progressions (1:03)
Behind The Back Hang J Progressions (0:55)
Hesitation Progressions (1:52)
Defensive Slide Rolls (0:26)
Between The Legs Hang
Between The Legs Hangs (2:33)
Progression #1 (0:25)
Self Toss Throwout
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